Education and qualifications
- 1984 -1990 Undergraduate study, faculty of medicine, Aden University Yemen
- 1990 1991 Housemanship
- 1999-2005 Postgraduate study, General and Orthopaedic surgery, Sudan Medical Specialization Board
- 2008 AO fellowship - Johannes Gutenberg University clinic- Mainz Germany-
- Oct 2015 – Apr 2016 arthroplasty and arthroscopy fellowship – bezmialam University Istanbul
- Clinical skills and experience & employment history
- Courses and conferences
- Researches
- Presentations
- Management and leadership skills
- 8/2023 member of Yemeni Supreme medical council
- 12/2022 up to date Vice-dean for academic development and quality assurance College of Medicine and Health Sciences -Seiyun University
- 09/2021-08/2022 Dean of College of Medicine and Health Sciences- Shabwah University
- 04/2019 08/2021 Vice-dean for academic affairs College of Medicine and Health Sciences -Seiyun University
- 04/2019 Head of Academic Development and Quality Assurance Unit College of Medicine and Health Sciences -Seiyun University
- 11/2018 head of morphology department college of medicine and health sciences – seiyun university
- 1/2007- 10/2018 Full-time in Binzeela Modern Hospital
- 9/2005 -12/2006 Part-time job in Binzeela modern hospital
- 7/2005- 12/2006 Orthopaedic surgeon - Seiyun general hospital - Yemen
- 7/2001 - 2/2005 Registrar in rotation, Khartoum Teaching Hospitals -Sudan
- 5/1999 - 6/2001 First part - general surgery – Sudan Specialization Board-Sudan
- 11/1998- 5/1999 Resident in surgery & Deputy director -Babeker Hospital - Wadi Alaeen Hadramout gov. - Yemen
- 11/1997 – 11/1998 Resident in surgery & Deputy director, then director of Al-Hagreen coop. Hospital Hadramout gov.-Yemen
- 6/1994 - 11/1996 Deputy director general of. health office Shabwa gov -Yemen
- 10/1993 – 6/1994 GB & Director of Nissab district hospital Shabwa gov. -Yemen
- 9/1991- 10/1993 District hospital GP Shabwa gov.- Yemen
- 9/1990- 9/1991 Houseman Aden Teaching Hospitals - Yemen
Treating trauma and orthopedic patients conservatively and surgically (plating, IM nailing, DHS, DCS, hemiarthroplasty, war injuries, and complex intraarticular fractures .)
- The 43rd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 21/11/2023-23/11/2023
- The 42nd SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28/09/2022-30/09/2022
- 40th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress in Muscat, Oman, from 4-7 December 2019.
- 35th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress Rio de Janeiro 19-22 Nov 2014
- 8th Asia Pacific Cervical Spine Meeting Istanbul Nov 2014
- 34th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress Hyderabad, India October 2013
- Combined 33rd SICOT & 17th PAOA Orthopaedic World Conference Dubai, United Arab Emirates 28–30 November 2012
- AOTrauma Lower Extremity Trauma Course Hong Kong (3-5 Feb 2012)
- First basic knee and shoulder joint replacement workshop – Indian Spinal Center New Delhi India 12th March 2010
- 5th international symposium on current concepts in knee and shoulder arthroscopic surgery at Indian Spinal Center New Delhi March 2010
- Advances in Operative Fracture Management Singapore 27 – 29 Aug. 2009
- AOSpine cadaveric course, Advances in spinal approaches and stabilization 03-05 May 2009 Riyadh, Saudia Arabia
- AOSpine Advanced Course 12 - 14 Oct 2008 Dubai
- TOT( training of trainers ) Seiyun 2006
- AO principle course Khartoum Oct. 2007
- Ruwais Mohsen binlaksar (2024). potassium permanganate warm bath and povidone-iodine wet dressing for diabetic septic foot, an innovative method. Scientific journal of Seiyun university.5(1), p 173-180
- Alttameme ghaleb, Ruwais binlaksar, Khaled bin madhy, Bilgees barabba, Musaeed Naser gadhnan, Mohammed algrw. Awareness and practice of Radiation Safety among Health Workers Using Intraoperative Fluoroscopy in Hadramout Hospitals. Al-arab journal of medical sciences 2(1) p 6-8
- Gökçer, U. Z. E. R., YILDIZ, F., BINLAKSAR, R., Vahdet, U. Ç. A. N., Jotyar, A. L. İ., & TUNCAY, İ. (2020). Comparison of Intravenous, Intra-articular, and Combined Tranexamic Acid Use in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty without a Tourniquet and a Drain. Bezmiâlem Science, 8(2), 120.
- Al-Houraibi, R. K., Aalirezaie, A., Adib, F., Anoushiravani, A., Bhashyam, A., Binlaksar, R., ... & Yazdi, H. (2019). General assembly, prevention, wound management: proceedings of international consensus on orthopedic infections. The Journal of arthroplasty, 34(2), S157-S168.
- Uzer, G. Ö. K. Ç. E. R., Yildiz, F. A. T. İ. H., BATAR, S., BINLAKSAR, R., Elmadag, M., Kus, G., & Bilsel, K. (2017). Does grafting of the tuberosities improve the functional outcomes of proximal humeral fractures treated with reverse shoulder arthroplasty?
- Thesis (Partial fulfillment of MD ) "Pattern of ankle fractures in Sudanese patients "
- A comparison between cemented and cementless hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Single-row versus Double-Row arthroscopic rotator cuff repair – systematic review and meta-analysis.
- A Meta-Analysis Comparing the Direct Anterior Approach to Other Approaches to Hip in the Treatment of Femoral Neck Fracture.
- Arthroscopic versus open Latarjet for recurrent shoulder instability: systematic review and meta-analysis
- Deputy director general of. health office Shabwa gov – 2 years
- Director of Nissab district Hospital Shabwa gov. – I year
- Director of Al-Hagreen coop. Hospital Hadramout gov.-Yemen I year
- Yemeni Orthopedic Association
- AO trauma
- Sicot (Yemen national representative )
- Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) Life member